Upcoming Events
Past Events

Summer Hiatus
Thursday, May 2, 2024 - Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Malibu Garden Club is on summer hiatus until the 2024-2025 season starting in October. Until then, enjoy your summer in the garden.

New Years Day President's Luncheon and Reception
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Come and enjoy a New Years Day luncheon with your fellow Club members. You can stroll around our succulent gardens and see spectacular views of Boney Ridge and the Channel Islands.

Habitat Restoration and Native Plant Nurseries
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
For our December 2019 meeting, Jack Smith will talk about habitat restoration in the Santa Monica Mountains and the Angeles National Forest, volunteer outreach & events, challenges, lessons learned, propagation tips, best management practices, and efforts to prevent the spread of harmful pathogens like Phytophthora.

Spectacular Succulents - "Having the rainbow while saving the rain"
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Join us for our November 2019 event, Michael Tardif presents “Spectacular Succulents – Having the rainbow while saving the rain.” Water-wise, fire-wise and medicinal, discover the beauty and magic of amazing succulent plants. Whether used in the landscape, or as a “rainbow in a pot”, these plants truly have something for everyone!

Amazing Succulents - Growing and Propagating
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
For our May 2019 event, Marsha Meeker presented “Amazing Succulents – Growing and Propagating.” Marsha fell in love with succulents in 1972 when moved from Oregon and she first saw ice plant along the freeway. She teaches classes in plant propagation and all about succulents.

Healing in the Chumash Way
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
For our March event, Dr. James Adams, USC School of Pharmacy Associate Professor presented Healing in the Chumash Way. During the talk, Dr. Adams taught us how to make medicines from California plants, how the medicines work and why we should use them.

Spring Garden Preparation
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
For our February 2019 event, Curtis Thomsen presented Spring Garden Preparation. Curtis discussed the restoration of properties after the fire, laying out your garden, composting and efficient water usage.

Overview of West Basin and the West Basin Water Reliability Program
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
For our January event, Scott Houston presented an overview of the West Basin and the West Basin Water Reliability Program.

Tropical Fruit Trees
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
For our December event, Bill Brandt presented Tropical Fruit Trees.

Pretty and Green, how to create a low water use garden
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
For our November event, Marilee Kuhlmann presented Pretty and Green, how to create a low water use garden.

Pelargoniums (Geraniums) for California Landscapes
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
For our September event when John Schoustra presents Out of Africa: Pelargoniums (Geraniums) for California Landscapes. Nurseryman John Schoustra introduced a whole palette of pelargoniums (Geraniums), from ground covers to shrubs that provide year round color and fragrance. A plant sale followed the presentation.

Attracting Bees, Butterflies and Birds to your Garden
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
For our April 2018 event, Dani Brusius presented Attracting Bees, Butterflies, and Birds to your Garden. She gave ideas on how to design and maintain such a garden.

An Introduction to Clivias
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
For our March event, Malcolm Shrimplin presented An Introduction to Clivias. Malcolm brought 2 to 3 year old clivia seedlings for sale at discount prices plus free clivia seeds. Besides the standard orange and yellow clivia, there is a variety of new colors which have been created.

Local Native Plants
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
For our October, and the first event of the 2016-17 season, Master Gardener Carmen Sandoval presented “Local Native Plants.” Carmen presented on local native plants and their traditional uses with recommendations for drought-tolerant landscaping.

Australian Plants for your Southern California Garden
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
For our June event, Jo O’Connell discussed the best Australian plants for a South California garden and their care.

Bringing Honeybees to Your Garden
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
For our May event, Will Bristol presented Bringing Honeybees to Your Garden. Will discussed how to bring honeybees to your garden, from beehive ownership to gardening for bees.

Cycads: the Perfect Plant for Malibu
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
For our April event, Randy Wild presented Cycads: the Perfect Plant for Malibu. Cycads go back to the time of the dinosaurs. They are the oldest fossilized plant that we have on record. They are considered the first conifer and the first plant that has male and female genders in separate plants. They are also the first plant to reproduce by pollen.

Permaculture and Soil Preparation
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
For our March event, Don Smith presented Permaculture and Soil Preparation. Attendees learned how building healthy soil can solve so many of humanity’s problems, and why large scale landscape restoration is the task of our lifetime.

Trimming Your Roses for Bountiful Bouquets
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
For our January event, Scott Klittich discussed Trimming Your Roses for Bountiful Bouquets. Scott’s talk was a condensed version of his rose pruning class. Learn what to prune, where, when and why.

The Art of Gift Wrapping for All Holidays
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
For our December event, Mary Ann Rush presented The Art of Gift Wrapping for All Holidays. Mary Ann’s presentation showed us how to be more creative in wrapping gifts for all occasions and all holidays.

The Malibu Lagoon: 3 Years after Restoration
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
For our November event, Mark Abramson presented The Malibu Lagoon: 3 Years after Restoration. Mark created one of the most successful community volunteer monitoring programs in the country for the Malibu Creek Watershed and has since created innovative partnerships with State and National Agencies to implement fish barrier removal projects and large-scale stream and riparian restoration projects in the Malibu Creek and Ballona Creek Watersheds.

A Passion for Passion Flowers
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
For our June, and final event of the 2015-16 season, Jorge Ochoa presented “A Passion for Passion Flowers.” Jorge took us on a journey into the fascinating world of passion flowers (members of the genus Passiflora): their intricate blossoms, delicious fruit, beautiful vines and amazing insect interactions.

The Invisible Gardener
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
For our May event, Andy Lopez presented “The Invisible Gardener.” Andy was a delight; unique, funny, a lively character. Andy shared several methods he uses to avoid chemicals at all cost.

Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
For our April event, Arnold Bernstein was a last minute pencil-in from his scheduled May presentation event, filling in for our ill April speaker. Arnold presented “Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu.”

Tomato Essentials
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
For our March event, Laura Taylor presented “Tomato Essentials”, her steps and secrets for tomato success. In the 20 years that Laura has been growing tomatoes, she has developed a system that consistently provides impressive results. Laura does tomato talks for local nurseries, cooking schools, and garden clubs, both off-site and in her own garden.

A Life with Roses
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
For our February event, Danielle Hahn presented “A Life with Roses.” Danielle talked about growing a family and business on 15 acres in the Carpinteria foothills.

Designing your Garden with California Native Plants
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
For our January event, Carol Bornstein presented “Designing your Garden with California Native Plants.” Carol provided an illustrated presentation offered tips on designing a native garden that works for you.

Holiday Wreaths
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
For our December event, Connie Mercurio presented “Holiday Wreaths.” Connie presented two different holiday wreath demonstrations, one each for Christmas and Hanukkah, as well as how to decorate small topiary for the holidays.

Winter Vegetable Gardening
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
For our November event, Christy Wilhelmi presented “Winter Vegetable Gardening.” Christy believes that gardening unifies both physical activity and healthy food choices while providing a grounding spiritual and creative outlet.

Creating a Butterfly Garden in Malibu
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
For our October event, David Snow presented “Creating a Butterfly Garden in Malibu.” David Snow’s talk covered how to attract butterflies into your garden by planting two types of plants; host plants and flowering plants that attract butterflies into the garden.

A Drought Tolerant Garden with Natives
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
For our June event, Bob Sussman gave pointers on how to plant with natives. His nursery, Matilija Nursery, has the largest inventory of California native plants and non-native irises in Ventura.

Look, Ma, No Lawn
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
For our May event, Lili Singer presented “Look, Ma, No Lawn.” An ever-timely topic, Lili explained how to take out your lawn and offer alternatives for space, specifically low maintenance native plants that need no fertilizer and use a fraction of the water required for turf.

Growing the Best Possible Grapes
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
For our April event, wine grape grower, winemaker and award-winning Jim Palmer from Malibu Vineyards discussed making award-winning wines with the best grapes possible.

One Gun Ranch and Biodynamic Gardening
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
For our March event, Alice Bamford from Malibu’s One Gun Ranch discussed the ranch and Biodynamic Gardening. One Gun Ranch is ground zero for local sustainable agriculture, based on biodynamic principles that produce healthy, mouthwatering food.

Design Like A Pro — Demystifying the Art of Garden Design
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
For our February event, landscape architect, writer, educator Billy Goodnick educated and entertained us with Design Like A Pro — Demystifying the Art of Garden Design. Billy sold and signed his book “Yards” after his presentation. We also raffled off a copy.

The Roses of the Huntington Gardens
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
For our January event, the “King of the roses,” Tom Carruth presented on The Roses of the Huntington Gardens. Tom talked about The Huntington’s three-acre Rose Garden, which showcases more than 1,200 cultivars and some 4,000 individual shrubs.

Garden Ornaments – Holiday Creations and Just Fun Stuff
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
For our December event, master gardener Yvonne Darlene Savio presented Garden Ornaments – Holiday Creations and Just Fun Stuff. Yvonne shared many ideas found across the US, England, and Europe.

Drought Stress and New Diseases in Trees and Shrubs in Southern California
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Jerry Turney, Ph.D. spoke on Drought Stress and New Diseases in Trees and Shrubs in Southern California. Jerry is a Plant Pathologist with the Agricultural Commission of Los Angeles County.

Crafting The Container Garden
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Hank Jenkins presented on the process of selecting the right vessel, composing with plants, and the aesthetic placement of a container composition within a space.

Old Fashion Ideas in a High Tech World
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
For our June event, America’s Natural Master Gardener, Nick Federoff hosted an open forum discussion on homemade concoctions, elixirs and remedies for edible and ornamental plants. He also fielded gardening questions from attendees and introduces fast-track concepts to ward off insects and disease.

A Stroll through the Chelsea Flower Show
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
For our May event, Birute Anne Vileisis, Ph.D. presented on the Chelsea Flower Show. The flower show is the most famous flower show in the U.K. and perhaps in the world attracting a worldwide audience of 157,000 visitors each year.

The Beauty of Begonias and How To Grow Them
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
For our April meeting, Al Palacio presented on “The Beauty of Begonias and How to Grow Them.” Al’s talk gave us a great overview of the entire fascinating family of Begonias, including Shrub, Thick-stemmed, Rhizomatous, Tuberous, Canes, and Terrarium Begonias.

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes on the California Coast
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Peter Olpe presented on growing heirlooms tomatoes on the California coast.” Peter, aka “The Tomato Whisperer,” talked about the history, care, and culture of heirloom tomatoes, and addressed many common questions.

Growing Exotic Fruits in Southern California
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
In February, Bruce Blavin presented on “Growing Exotic Fruits in Southern California.”

Rose Care
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
For our January meeting, President of the San Fernando Valley Rose Society, President-Elect of the Beverly Hills Rose Society, Member of the International Rose Trials at Rose Hills in Whittier and noted rosarian, David Bassani, presented on “Growing Roses in Malibu: Rose Selection and Cultivation.”

Poinsettias & Candles
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Karl Bauer presented on the care of Poinsettias and brought several varieties for sale at grower’s wholesale prices. Bobbi Cattanese, founder of the Malibu company Scents of Purpose also spoke on how they make and sell their own artisanal aromatherapy candles.

The Drought Tolerant Garden: Gardening With Succulents
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
For our November meeting, Nels Christianson presented on The Drought Tolerant Garden: Gardening With Succulents, featuring varieties of succulents in local gardens as well as gardens beyond California.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
James E. Jaeger, Horticultural Consultant and Landscape Instructor at Santa Monica Emeritus College discussed the Vireya or Malesian Rhododendrons and elaborated on what they are, where they come from, and the cultural requirements of growing Rhododendrons in our coastal region.

The Birds of Malibu Lagoon: Will they Return?
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Jim Kenney spoke on a topic that is very timely for our community, The Birds of Malibu Lagoon: Will they Return?

Eating from Your Garden
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Christy Wilhelmi presented “Eating from Your Garden.” The presentation covered a lot of things from her book, including bio-intensive planting methods, building a healthy ecosystem around your garden, and of course, recipes from the garden.

How to Compost and Create a Living Soil
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Curtis Thomsen from the Los Angeles Country Smart Gardening Program spoke on the “How to Compost and Create a Living Soil.” He brought composting and worm casting bins and worms!

Hybridizing and the Culture of Pacific Coast Irises
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Bob Sussman from Matilija Native Plant Nursery spoke on the “Hybridizing and the Culture of Pacific Coast Irises.”

Creating Your Dream Garden!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
For our February meeting, Mary Ann Rush presented on a variety of garden types including the Moonglow Garden (the all-white garden that glows on the night of the full moon), the Hummingbird Garden and Butterfly Garden.

Balconies and Courtyards of the French Quarter in New Orleans
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New member Gregory Finsley presented on Balconies and Courtyards of the French Quarter in New Orleans. The French Quarter balconies he took to liking even more, along with the quaint courtyards that exist sometimes unnoticed but elegantly adorned.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
In December, we welcomed Karl Bauer from West Coast Nurseries in Oxnard, who talked about the background, history and care for Poinsettias.

Growing Orchids Outdoors
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
For our November meeting, George Hatfield from Hatfield Nursery in Oxnard discussed growing orchids outdoors.

Bromeliads for the Home and Garden
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
For our October meeting, Jerry Robinson, co-owner of Rainforest Flora presented Bromeliads for the Home and Garden, specifically, Tillandsia Air Plants.

Bringing Birds into Your Garden: the Joys and the Benefits
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
For our August meeting, Eric and Ann Brooks presented “Bringing Birds into Your Garden: the Joys and the Benefits.”

Lavender in the Drought Tolerant Landscape
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
For our July meeting, Antonio Sanchez from Nopalito Nursery presented “Lavender in the Drought Tolerant Landscape.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
For our June event, landscape architect Frances Knight presented on bees, showing us how to create a positive habitat in our gardens for native birds and pollinators.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
For our May meeting, Photographer Jim Kenney presented on wildflowers. His presentation gave an overview of plant communities in our nearby mountains, with an emphasis not on just colorful wildflowers, but also on fire ecology, the relationship of horticultural plants to local natives, and a description of the almost completed Backbone Trail.

A Day in the Garden of a Rare Fruit Grower in Southern California
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
For our April meeting, Bruce Blavin presented an introduction to the California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG) organization and then gave a photo presentation of a day in his garden, showing a wide variety of rare fruit trees that can be grown in Southern California.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
For our March meeting, Garden and Tomato Master Laura Taylor taught us the essentials of growing a bounty of delicious tomatoes and summer vegetables in our own gardens.

Ganna Walska Lotusland Garden
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Well-known horticulturist Corey Welles presented on the famous Ganna Walska Lotusland garden in Santa Barbara CA.

Rose Care
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
For our January meeting, Rose Garden Horticulturist Amanda Everett presented the latest in roses, including the latest information on sustainable care and various pruning techniques.

Make Your Own Holiday Wreath
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thanks to Nopalito Nursery who conducted a wreath-making class. The gorgeous 17″ wreath was made out of California Native plants. The folks from Nopalito Nursery brought plant materials and each attendee made their own wreath and took it home with them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Malibu Garden Club was pleased to have William Wilk from the Los Angeles County Arboretum at our November meeting.

Monrovia Growers New Plant Introductions
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Malibu Garden Club was pleased to have Nicholas Staddon from Monrovia Growers at our October meeting. We got a look behind the scene’s at Monrovia Nursery, learning how new plants are discovered, trialed, propagated and brought to market.

Roses for the Southern California Garden
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Malibu Garden Club was pleased to have Master Consulting Rosarian Dan Bifano at our September meeting. With his A-List of clients (for a rosarian), he’s been on the Oprah show many times, and he is the man who helped Barbra Streisand choose the rose that bears her name.

Make the most of your summer tomato harvest
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Malibu Garden Club is excited to have Laura Taylor at our August meeting. Laura spoke about tomatoes. We found out how the season was progressing and then indulged in some tomato recipes, including Tomato/Cucumber Salsa, a traditional Tuscan Panzanella (bread and tomato salad) and her Signature Gazpacho. Of course, everyone took recipes home with them!

California Natives Gardening
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
For our June meeting, Kathleen Bullard from the Manhatten Beach Botanic Garden presented on gardening with California Natives.

Water Gardens, Ponds & Fountains
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
For our May meeting, the Malibu Garden Club proudly presented “Mr. Fish,” Bob Morris of Mr. Fish Aquarium & Pond Service. Mr. Fish presented on how you can produce a successful water feature in your yard, covering construction and maintenance to fish and plants.

Sustainable Landscaping for Dummies, A Visionary Look at the Future of Gardens
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
For our April meeting, we were pleased to have Owen Dell, an award-winning, internationally admired landscape architect, author, and educator, and the principal of Owen Dell & Associates in Santa Barbara specializing in sustainable landscape architectural services.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A big thanks to Scott Daigre of TOMATOMANIA!, for giving us an inspiring, engaging, educational and funny presentation on tomatoes. We heard from several of you that you ran out and bought different types of tomato seeds!

21st Century Cutting Edge Garden Design
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
For our February meeting, the Malibu Garden Club was pleased to have Alice Joyce speak about 21st Century Cutting Edge Garden Design.

Plant & Landscape Panel Discussion
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
For our January meeting, attendees participated in a panel discussion led by Aaron Landworth & Laura Knauss, experts with each over 30 years in the Landscape Industry, both own their own businesses.

Holiday Crafts Class
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
For our December meeting, gift wrap and paper expert Wanda Wen showed us what it meant to give thoughtfully wrapped presents. With expert tips, techniques and creative vision, she described how to use natural, uncommon and everyday materials to perfectly dress any gift.

Out of Your Gourds!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
For our November meeting, Susan Sullivan presented Out of Your Gourds! You would not believe what you can do with gourds! But luckily we had Susan at our meeting to explain.

Master Pumpkin Carver
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
For our October meeting, we were really excited to have Master Pumpkin Carver, Gene Granata present. For 20+ years Gene has helped families around the world celebrate the Halloween tradition of pumpkin carving and decorating.

Olive Trees & Olive Oils
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
For our September meeting, we enjoyed a very special night of learning all about olive trees and indulging in an olive oil tasting. Robert Jaye, owner, from the Malibu Olive Company, educated us on the proper way to taste olive oils.

Viticulture & Enology or Grape Growing & Wine Making - A Local Tour
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Today’s shed is no longer hiding in a far corner of the backyard. Instead, it occupies a starring role in the landscape. Gardeners are transforming this once-humble structure into a backyard sanctuary – a retreat, just steps from the back door. Sheds have become as individual as their inhabitants, but the best of them fulfill three needs: function, recreation and inspiration.

Chic Succulents
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
For our May meeting, Debra Lee Baldwin informed and inspired us to design with succulents. Her book Designing with Succulents has come to symbolize the new garden style associated with Southern California living.

Good Bugs, Bad Bugs
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
For our April meeting, Ms. Heather Teodoro from the L.A. Vector Control Department presented “Good Bugs, Bad Bugs.” Spring has sprung and so have the pests.

Gardening Within Your Watering Means
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
For our March meeting, Nan Sterman, author of California Gardener’s Guide, explained our water situation, presented lovely examples of water-wise gardens, covered 30-40 examples of water-wise plants, and ended with tips for success in growing those plants.

Chocolate Theobroma cacao — CHOCOLATE — The Plant (of course!)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
For our February meeting, what else but the History, The Delicious indulgence, A tasting of fine Artisan Chocolates from around the world.

City of Malibu Biologist Dave Crawford
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
For our January meeting, City of Malibu Biologist Dave Crawford talked about the new 2010 state and local landscape and irrigation regulations that will affect all of us. Dave also discussed native plants and invasive species.

Everything Is Coming Up Roses
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
For our December meeting, David Bassani from Certified Rosarian Bassani Greenscapes, Inc. presented “Everything Is Coming Up Roses.” David shared about the selection, installation, maintenance (water, food, insect-disease control), and shaping of roses, along with a pruning demo.

Sustainable Gardening on the Farm
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
For our November meeting, Phil McGrath from McGrath Family Farms presented tips on growing your own food, samples from the farm, what’s good to grow now, seasonal gardening info, recipes & more.

First Meeting of our Calendar Year
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We have been planning all summer. New ideas and events for our Malibu Garden Club. Join us at 7:00 to schmooze, our program starts at 7:30. Point Dume Club on Heathercliff. Bring your membership dues of $25. We offer so much for your dues. Monthly meetings, field trips, garden parties as well as scholarships to deserving students in the gardening arena. Bring fun stuff for the sharing table. Bring something and take something home.

My Secret Garden
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
For our June meeting, Susan Taylor presented “My Secret Garden.” Susan is equally drawn to and inspired by the beauty and diversity of California’s natural terrain. Susan’s landscape designs can be as lush and bucolic as Napa Valley, or as rugged and grassy as California’s famous deserts.

Ode to Flight Season
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For our May meeting, Frances Knight presented Singing with your Flowers. Frances discussed Bees and their relationship with plants, nature and our Gardens. How to plant a Bee-friendly garden. Nourishing our relationship with nature.

Ivy's Garden
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
For our April meeting, Ivy Reid presented “Ivy’s Garden – Creating your own healing garden sanctuary.” A private sanctuary in your own home using elements of your five senses.

A-Z Native Plant Gardening
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
For our March meeting, Elizabeth Schwartz from the Theodore Payne Foundation provided information on native plant gardening through her lecture and presentation. Elizabeth is a walking encyclopedia on native plants and attendees had plenty of questions for her.

Fire Safe Cottage Gardens
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
For our February meeting, Dave Egbert, “The Coastal Gardner,” presented on Fire Safe Cottage Gardens.

Organic Gardening
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
For our January event, Andy Lopez, “The Invisible Gardner,” presented on organic gardening best practices.

Italian Gardens
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
For our December meeting, Don Marquardt, ASLA, MA presented on the history and creations of Italian Gardens.

Plant and Landscape Panel Discussion
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
For our November meeting and back by popular demand, Aaron Landworth, Laura Knauss and Yvette Bocz held a panel discussion, answering questions and garden challenges of attendees. These are experts and each owns their own businesses. One of our favorite events of the year.

Why Plant Native Plants
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
For our October meeting, Lisa Novick presented “Why Plant Native Plants.” Lisa is the Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator for the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers and Native Plants.

Petite Gardens for All
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
For our June meeting, Mark Bartos presented “Petite Gardens for All.”

Maintaining a Garden All Year
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
For our April meeting, Jackie Oster from Campion Walker Designs presented “Maintaining a Garden All Year .”

Evolution of the Modern Garden
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
For our March meeting, Don Marquardt, ASLA presented “Evolution of the Modern Garden .” Don has taught Landscape Architecture Professional Certificate Courses at UCLA Extension.

Development of the Huntington Desert Garden
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
For our February meeting, Gary Lyons, Curator of the Desert Garden at the Huntington Botanical Garden, presented “Development of the Huntington Desert Garden,” from an Estate Garden in 1907 to the Botanic Garden & Display it is today.

Birds & Bees in the Garden
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
For our first meeting of 2008, Frances Knight presented “Birds & Bees in the Garden .”