Upcoming Events
Past Events

Fruit Trees with Tom Spellman
Thursday, April 9, 2020
The Southern California Horticultural Society hosts Tom Spellman discussing fruit trees.
Meetings also include expert discussion of plants brought in to the Plant Forum table, and we often have Plant Raffles. Plants, used and new books and magazines are usually for sale at the meetings.
Admission is free for members, children, and students with ID, and $5 for non-members.

West Los Angeles Chapter: California Rare Fruit Growers meeting
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The West Los Angeles chapter’s annual scion wood exchange meeting is February 8, 2020, at Veterans Memorial Complex, 4117 Overland Ave. Culver City at 10:00 a.m., free parking. It will have several grafting demonstrations as well as an ability to get free fruit scion wood. It is free and open to all.

Fruit Tree Pruning - Hands-on Demo
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Join master gardener Liza Go in the Garden’s Rare Fruit Tree collection for an orchard talk and demonstration on properly pruning fruit trees. These are fruit trees that are non-California natives, like cherimoya, citrus and fig trees.

Fruitstitute Workshop: Intro to Backyard Orcharding & Fruit Tree Pruning
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Grow your knowledge about fruit trees with Southern California fruit tree specialist and founder of Fruitstitute, Joanna Glovinsky. This lecture and demo will delineate the differences in practice and approach between backyard and commercial fruit production to teach you how to successfully grow your own backyard fruit.

Tropical Fruit Trees
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
For our December event, Bill Brandt presented Tropical Fruit Trees.

Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
For our April event, Arnold Bernstein was a last minute pencil-in from his scheduled May presentation event, filling in for our ill April speaker. Arnold presented “Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu.”

Arnold's Backyard Orchard - Field Trip
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
For this members-only field trip, attendees visited the backyard orchard of garden club member Arnold Bernstein.

Arnold Fruit Tree Tour - Field Trip
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Malibu Garden Club hosted a special paid members-only field trip; a tour of Arnold Bernstein’s fruit tree collection.