Upcoming Events
Past Events

Tropical Fruit Trees
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
For our December event, Bill Brandt presented Tropical Fruit Trees.

Pretty and Green, how to create a low water use garden
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
For our November event, Marilee Kuhlmann presented Pretty and Green, how to create a low water use garden.

Greenberg Garden Tour - Field Trip
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
A lovely garden tour for Malibu Garden Club members only was held Wednesday, October 10th at Jill Greenberg’s house in Malibu.

Fun with Flowers
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
For our October event, Hetty Schurtleff presented Fun with Flowers. Hetty shared her passion for flower arranging. Three beautiful flower arrangements were raffled off while others were available for sale. As Hetty says, “Come for the flowers and stay for the friends.”

Pelargoniums (Geraniums) for California Landscapes
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
For our September event when John Schoustra presents Out of Africa: Pelargoniums (Geraniums) for California Landscapes. Nurseryman John Schoustra introduced a whole palette of pelargoniums (Geraniums), from ground covers to shrubs that provide year round color and fragrance. A plant sale followed the presentation.

Container and Raised Bed Gardening: Options & Tips
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
For our June 2018, Eric Olsen presented Container and Raised Bed Gardening: Options & Tips. Eric covered different options available to the gardener and pluses and minuses to each of them. Eric brought 50 Smart Pots samples to share.

Roses with the Rose Lady
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
For our May 2018 event, Linda Mckendry presented Roses. Linda talked about how to plant and maintain roses in your garden. She brought a variety of colorful roses.

Attracting Bees, Butterflies and Birds to your Garden
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
For our April 2018 event, Dani Brusius presented Attracting Bees, Butterflies, and Birds to your Garden. She gave ideas on how to design and maintain such a garden.

An Introduction to Clivias
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
For our March event, Malcolm Shrimplin presented An Introduction to Clivias. Malcolm brought 2 to 3 year old clivia seedlings for sale at discount prices plus free clivia seeds. Besides the standard orange and yellow clivia, there is a variety of new colors which have been created.