Upcoming Events
Past Events

Local Native Plants
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
For our October, and the first event of the 2016-17 season, Master Gardener Carmen Sandoval presented “Local Native Plants.” Carmen presented on local native plants and their traditional uses with recommendations for drought-tolerant landscaping.

The Art of Gift Wrapping for All Holidays
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
For our December event, Mary Ann Rush presented The Art of Gift Wrapping for All Holidays. Mary Ann’s presentation showed us how to be more creative in wrapping gifts for all occasions and all holidays.

The Malibu Lagoon: 3 Years after Restoration
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
For our November event, Mark Abramson presented The Malibu Lagoon: 3 Years after Restoration. Mark created one of the most successful community volunteer monitoring programs in the country for the Malibu Creek Watershed and has since created innovative partnerships with State and National Agencies to implement fish barrier removal projects and large-scale stream and riparian restoration projects in the Malibu Creek and Ballona Creek Watersheds.

A Passion for Passion Flowers
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
For our June, and final event of the 2015-16 season, Jorge Ochoa presented “A Passion for Passion Flowers.” Jorge took us on a journey into the fascinating world of passion flowers (members of the genus Passiflora): their intricate blossoms, delicious fruit, beautiful vines and amazing insect interactions.

Malibu Garden Tour
Saturday, May 14, 2016
On Saturday, May 14th, the Malibu Garden Club held its Garden Tour, featuring gardens from around Malibu.

The Invisible Gardener
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
For our May event, Andy Lopez presented “The Invisible Gardener.” Andy was a delight; unique, funny, a lively character. Andy shared several methods he uses to avoid chemicals at all cost.

Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
For our April event, Arnold Bernstein was a last minute pencil-in from his scheduled May presentation event, filling in for our ill April speaker. Arnold presented “Growing Fruit Trees in Malibu.”

Tomato Essentials
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
For our March event, Laura Taylor presented “Tomato Essentials”, her steps and secrets for tomato success. In the 20 years that Laura has been growing tomatoes, she has developed a system that consistently provides impressive results. Laura does tomato talks for local nurseries, cooking schools, and garden clubs, both off-site and in her own garden.

A Life with Roses
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
For our February event, Danielle Hahn presented “A Life with Roses.” Danielle talked about growing a family and business on 15 acres in the Carpinteria foothills.

Designing your Garden with California Native Plants
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
For our January event, Carol Bornstein presented “Designing your Garden with California Native Plants.” Carol provided an illustrated presentation offered tips on designing a native garden that works for you.