Upcoming Events
Past Events

Everything Is Coming Up Roses
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
For our December meeting, David Bassani from Certified Rosarian Bassani Greenscapes, Inc. presented “Everything Is Coming Up Roses.” David shared about the selection, installation, maintenance (water, food, insect-disease control), and shaping of roses, along with a pruning demo.

Sustainable Gardening on the Farm
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
For our November meeting, Phil McGrath from McGrath Family Farms presented tips on growing your own food, samples from the farm, what’s good to grow now, seasonal gardening info, recipes & more.

First Meeting of our Calendar Year
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We have been planning all summer. New ideas and events for our Malibu Garden Club. Join us at 7:00 to schmooze, our program starts at 7:30. Point Dume Club on Heathercliff. Bring your membership dues of $25. We offer so much for your dues. Monthly meetings, field trips, garden parties as well as scholarships to deserving students in the gardening arena. Bring fun stuff for the sharing table. Bring something and take something home.

My Secret Garden
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
For our June meeting, Susan Taylor presented “My Secret Garden.” Susan is equally drawn to and inspired by the beauty and diversity of California’s natural terrain. Susan’s landscape designs can be as lush and bucolic as Napa Valley, or as rugged and grassy as California’s famous deserts.

Serra Canyon Ranch Nursery Serra Retreat - Field Trip
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The new owners, Rosemary & John Williams, along with plant enthusiast & fellow club member Kevin Hatch, will be hosting a Special Open House/Reception/Tour/Special Sale exclusively for the Malibu Garden Club & our Guests.

Ode to Flight Season
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For our May meeting, Frances Knight presented Singing with your Flowers. Frances discussed Bees and their relationship with plants, nature and our Gardens. How to plant a Bee-friendly garden. Nourishing our relationship with nature.

Ivy's Garden
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
For our April meeting, Ivy Reid presented “Ivy’s Garden – Creating your own healing garden sanctuary.” A private sanctuary in your own home using elements of your five senses.

A-Z Native Plant Gardening
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
For our March meeting, Elizabeth Schwartz from the Theodore Payne Foundation provided information on native plant gardening through her lecture and presentation. Elizabeth is a walking encyclopedia on native plants and attendees had plenty of questions for her.

Fire Safe Cottage Gardens
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
For our February meeting, Dave Egbert, “The Coastal Gardner,” presented on Fire Safe Cottage Gardens.

Organic Gardening
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
For our January event, Andy Lopez, “The Invisible Gardner,” presented on organic gardening best practices.