Wednesday, September 7, 2011
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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Point Dume Club House
29500 Heathercliff Drive
Malibu, California
Tags: 2011, Dan Bifano, Meeting, roses, Season 2011-2012
The Malibu Garden Club was pleased to have Master Consulting Rosarian Dan Bifano at our September meeting.
With his A-List of clients (for a rosarian), he’s been on the Oprah show many times, where she refers to him as “Dan the Rose Man!” He brought to life Oprah’s Legend Rose. You can read about him in Barbara Streisand’s own book! He is the man who helped Barbra Streisand choose the rose that bears her name. Dan is a Master Rosarian and has grown roses for over 50 years. He is also a Horticultural and Arrangement Judge for the American Rose Society and judges nationally and internationally. He has been designing professionally for about 20 years in Santa Barbara, Malibu and Bel Air.