Wednesday, January 1, 2025
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
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Glen & Terry Gessford’s Home
10777 Pacific View Dr.
Malibu, CA
A message from the club president, Glen Gessford.
We had a very successful New Year’s Day party of the Malibu garden club. Nearly 40 people showed up to enjoy seeing each other and a meal from Spruzzos restaurant Of beet salad, chopped salad, vegetarian pizza, And lasagna. The weather was perfect a bright sunny day.
Thank you
We owe a special thanks to Yvonne Gelbman for bringing a delicious chocolate cake and lemon cake. And thank you to Patrick Murphree for his banana cream pie and bananas he grew at his home. Thank you to Cory Buckner our hospitality chairman for checking everybody in so efficiently. Thanks to everybody who brought the beautiful bouquets of flowers. Lastly, thanks to my lovely wife Terry for all she did to make the house and grounds look beautiful.
Next event on January 25th
The Malibu Garden Club will meet at Joan and Tiffany Murray's house for a high tea at 1 PM at 5940 Bonnel Dr., Malibu. It should be a lovely time, sipping tea and enjoying La Plange pastries, and conversing with our friends
Thank you all for coming to our home and making our first event a success!
Happy New Year!
Glenn Gessford
President, Malibu Garden Club